There are encouraging signs all around us showing the housing market is recovering.
But, home affordability continues to be a concern for Minnesota’s middle class families as government regulation grows. Currently, more than 25 percent of the cost of a new home is the cost of regulations.
In order to keep new homes affordable and continue the trend toward economic recovery, the members of the Builders Association of the Twin Cities (BATC) will fight to protect homebuyers against needless regulations.
BATC and its members support smart, common sense regulations that help protect the safety and health of families – like the home smoke detector law – and will continue to work with local governments and the state to protect homeowners and improve home safety effectively and efficiently.
However, we will oppose unnecessary regulations – like the proposed requirement of a home indoor sprinkler system in every new 4,500 square foot home – that needlessly add financial burdens on middle class families looking to purchase their dream home.
The Builders Association of the Twin Cities works to keep homes safe and affordable for Minnesotans by fighting against unnecessary, costly regulations that will not only hurt middle class families, but will also threaten the recovery of an important segment of our economy.
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